Quick Screenshots: Design screenshots to promote your apps

Entwickler-Tools Grafik und Design
Entwickler Rodrigo Dutra de Oliveira
3.99 USD

50% OFF Time Limited !
Create great Screenshots for your Apps

You can set the title, subtitle and screenshot that will apear inside the device. Five different devices to you to choose.
Personalize the font, color, background color and padding.


* Five different devices where your screenshot will apear. Just drag your screenshot in.
* Background color.
* Rich Text Editing Capabilities.
* Your final screenshot will be on 2880x1800 pixels and JPG. Ready for submitting.
* Super easy to user.

The Rich Text Editing capabilities allows you to change the font and color. To do so, select the portion of the text you wanna change and click on the font/color icon on the toolbar. You have full control of how your title and subtitle will apear.